Feng Shui Consulting
In-person & online consultations
Are there areas in your life that need tender, loving care?
Discover how specific areas of your home are contributing to your health issues, relationships, family dynamics, career advances, finances, and overall well-being and how you can improve the quality of your life by practicing the art of Feng Shui.
Feng Shui (pronounced fung shway) is an ancient design system based on the flow of energy through the environment, the home, or office. By learning to evaluate the vibrational patterns of the environment, it assists you in tapping into a new approach to understanding, working, and balancing energy flow in your space.
When is a good time for Feng Shui?
When you’re moving into a new home or office
When you’re in a relationship, career, family, or health transition
When you’re moving into a new home or office
When you’re ready to welcome new beginnings into your life
When you’re ready to reclaim your space
When you’re moving into a new home or office
When a new year begins
Ready to get started? Here’s a list of materials needed prior to your consultation >
feng shui - art of placement
Transform your space and cultivate more love, peace, healing, and prosperity in your life.
If you are seeking a better quality of life, yearning to reclaim your space, or simply welcoming new opportunities for growth and expansion, contact Banu, to create a plan tailored for your needs.
Banu Halle is a Certified BTB (Black Sect Tibetan Tantric Buddhism) Feng Shui Consultant. With her successful background as a Psychic Medium Reiki, Dragon Energy Healing and Akashic Records. She is able to integrate her expertise and creativity with the wisdom and time-proven method of the art of placement.
Banu offers a unique combination of wholistic, empowering modalities, intrinsic wisdom, innate gifts, and hands-on experience that supports you, your children, your family, and the environment you live in.
In-person consultations currently available in Cochrane/Calgary and surrounding areas. Virtual consultations are also available. Connect with Banu for your Feng Shui assessment.
Ready to get started? A conversation is always welcome. Connect with us to plan your consultation.
Consultation Fees
Fees vary depending on the size of your home, office, or building, and if assessed in-person or online. Fees also vary if additional services such as Space Clearing if requested
Feng Shui
Feng Shui Home Consultation
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Feng Shui
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Feng Shui
Remote Energy Clearing
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